French Regulations about Soy
Dear Dr Daniel,
Our report considered phytoestrogens specifically and soy only in
second interest, therefore on the site, you will find the
reports at phytoestrogens and not at soy.
We set up a security limit beyond that we had no data to ascertain
no adverse effect from isoflavone consumption, this limit is 1mg/kg
bw/day of aglycon isoflavone for all consumers of soy derived
We recommended to drastically decrease isoflavone in soy infant
formulae to get it as low as possible, 1mg/liter of reconstituted
formula being optimal. 1mg/L of soy formula is 1ppm, but in soy protein
which is the raw material there is about 1mg of agycon isoflavone /g of
protein. In France we have soymilk which contains 37g/L of protein
which means 37mg of aglycon isoflavone content/L, thus we ask for an
oprtimal reduction of about 30 to 40 times and not one million (as far
as the protein content is the same in infant formula). And we know that
some cultivar present 4xtimes less isoflavone, so we are at 4 to 5g!
We do not advise soy derived products for children below 3 years of
age, because of insufficient nutritional value.
In France also, soy industry claims that such a reduction is
impossible, but it is their problem, and if pediatricians do not
recommend it anymore, they will have to change.
If it is true that soy industry has almost entirely isoflavone free
products, they should use it. I know Archer did provide such a product
which was used in an intervention assay in young women in UK, but not
in children.
We do not know exactly when the new regulation will go into effect,
the agency is working on it.
Regular products to be possibly consumed by all consumers but
children below 3 years of age, children treated for hypothyroiditis,
women with previous history of breast cancer and/or history of familial
breast cancer will have a warning label with the security limits and
the above restrictions
I hope I answered your questions, don't hesitate to call on me again
if necessary
best regards
Dr. Mariette Gerber
Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie
34298 Montpellier Cedex 5
tel: (0)4 67 61 30 05
fax: (0)4 67 61 37 87