Dietary Causes of Tooth Decay, Misaligned Teeth and Dental Arch Deformities
There are many conditions in Western industrialised societies today that were unheard of, or at least very rare, just a century ago. The same conditions are still unheard of in primitive peoples who do not have the 'benefits' of our knowledge. There is a very good reason for this: They eat what Nature intended; we don't. The diseases caused by our incorrect and unnatural diets are those featured on these pages.
Dietary causes of tooth decay, misaligned teeth and dental arch deformities:
Sugars and high-carbohydrate 'healthy' diet in infancy; low intake of dairy products.Introduction
Dr. Weston A. Price, a dentist and major nutritional pioneer, was working around 1900 when processed food was first introduced. Over the first 15 years of the twentieth century, he noticed an incredible increase in tooth decay in his patients. This observation inspired his 10-year journey around the world, studying different isolated, non-modernised populations, whom he often went to great lengths to contact, who were immune to tooth decay. He studied what they ate, how they maintained their soil fertility, and related these to their tooth decay rates. He found that, despite their having no way of cleaning teeth, many of the groups had no tooth decay at all. He also found members of the same cultures who had contact with civilisation. They tended to have high levels of dental decay. [1]
Based on his findings, Price devised a dietary regime for his patients which emphasised raw milk, bone broths with meats and vegetables, cod liver oil, butter and ghee, unrefined wheat, and cooked vegetables and fruits. With this he actually reversed tooth decay in his patients, and took x-ray pictures to prove it.
Sugars — and starches
Sweets cause tooth decay. The longer and more frequently sugar is in contact with teeth, the more likely this will happen. Sticky foods like toffee that take a long time to eat are major offenders. It's the time the sugar is present that is important, not the amount. For example, a small candy bar and a roll of Life Savers, both contain the same amount of sugar. The candy bar, when eaten, must be chewed, and this stimulates saliva flow. Once it is swallowed, the level of sugar in the mouth declines quite quickly. The same amount of sugar in hard sweets, dissolved slowly one at a time, keeps sugar levels in the mouth high all day long and does much more harm.
It is now no secret that sweets and fizzy soft drinks and fruit drinks increase dental decay rates. But it is less well known to the general public, that starches such as bread, pasta and breakfast cereals also contribute to the condition. Dentists at the University of Göteborg, Sweden, used a variety of starchy foods: plain potato crisps, sugar-free cheese doodles and sweetened crackers, and measured acidity levels in the mouth together with how long the foods remained in the mouth.[2] They found that, while sugary foods increased mouth acidity more than starches during the first 30 minutes, all three snack foods were worse than the sugar after that time. They concluded that this was because the starchy foods did not cause the eaters to produce so much saliva to clear the starch from the mouth.
Most of the research has shown clearly that carbohydrates of all sorts increased decay, but much less work has been done into identifying foods that may have a protective effect. Recent investigations are changing that.
One of the foods that have declined in recent years is cheese. Cheese isn't perceived as 'healthy' because of the amount of fat and salt it contains. But it looks as if that belief will have to change as what work had been done suggested that cheese helps to prevent dental decay (caries) if it was the final food in a meal. A review of the literature conducted in 1991 looked at the various theories about why this should be so. Several mechanisms have been proposed:[3] Chewing cheese stimulates saliva flow; the alkaline nature of saliva buffers the acids formed in plaque; the increased rate of sugar clearance due to the diluting action of cheese-stimulated saliva. Research had also suggested that chewing cheese might reduce the levels of decay-causing bacteria; the major protein in milk, casein, reduced the amount of calcium leached from teeth by bacteria; the high calcium and minerals in the casein concentrated calcium and phosphate in plaque.
In 1999, this evidence was confirmed and added to when a team of researchers at the Dental School, Newcastle upon Tyne, gave readers of the British Dental Journal a Christmas present. The 25 December edition carried a paper showing that cooked cheese raised the calcium levels in plaque and helped to protect against dental caries.[4]
Lastly, a review by two scientists at the Forsyth Institute, Boston, Massachusetts, showed that milk and cheese could reduce the effects of metabolic acids, and could help restore the enamel that is lost during eating.[5] In one study reviewed by the Forsyth Institute team, cheese eaters experienced 71% less damage to their enamel over time.
The cheese-dental protection picture is a complex molecular ballet, involving the calcium in cheese, an increase in saliva from chewing, and the ability of cheese to restore depleted enamel. Like chocolate and wine before it, cheese, widely vilified, now is earning a measure of redemption as researchers recognise that even seemingly unhealthy foods often have their good points. A quarter-century's worth of dental studies prove that one of our 'guilty pleasures', cheese, actually prevents cavities. Given this information, consumers may be motivated to use milk and cheese to reduce, or reverse the caries-causing effects of many other foods.
Misaligned teeth and dental arches
As well as dental decay, Dr Weston Price also noticed that the children of people who had been influenced by western dietary ideas had facial and dental arch deformities.[6] These showed up as narrow faces, narrow noses with pinched nostrils, and crooked, misaligned or overlapping teeth. These conditions were all associated with high intakes of concentrated starchy foods, and a greatly reduced use of dairy products.
Look around you today, and see how many children and even young adults wear ugly braces on their teeth in an effort to correct the problem. But while braces may disguise that defect, they do not solve other problems such as restricted breathing through narrow nasal passages.
[1]. Price, Weston A. Nutrition And Physical Degeneration: A Comparison Of Primitive And Modern Diets And Their Effects. Paul B. Hoeber, Inc, New York, London, 1939.
[2]. Lingstrom P, Birkhed D. Plaque pH and oral retention after consumption of starchy snack products at normal and low salivary secretion rate. Acta Odontol Scand 1993; 51: 379-88.
[3]. Herod EL. The effect of cheese on dental caries: a review of the literature. Aust Dent J 1991; 36: 120-5.
[4]. Moynihan PJ, Ferrier S, Jenkins GN. The cariostatic potential of cheese: cooked cheese-containing meals increase plaque calcium concentration. Br Dent J 1999; 187: 664-7.
[5]. Kashket S, DePaola DP. Cheese consumption and the development and progression of dental caries. Nutr Rev 2002; 60: 97-103.
[6]. Price, Weston A. Op cit.
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