Diabetes Information Point
This is a series of pages outlining the present state of conventional diabetes treatment, why it is wrong, and the evidence for a better, healthier way not just to treat diabetes, but also to cure the condition and to prevent it.
Part 1: The scale of the
Part 2: What is diabetes --
Are you at risk?
Part 3: Conventional
treatment for Type-2 diabetes — and why it
Part 4: Why carbs are the
wrong foods for diabetics
Part 5: The evidence
Part 6: The correct diet for
a Type-2 diabetic, (or treatment without drugs)
Part 7: Treatment for Type-1
Suitable foods for diabetics
Study: Evidence that Low Carb Diets are Better for Diabetics
Study: How Low-Carb Diets Benefit Obese Diabetics
Study: How Low-Carb Diets Help Overweight Diabetics
Dietary Fat Gives the Best Blood Glucose
The primary concern of diabetes treatment is to return
blood glucose levels to a normal level. So why are
diabetics told to cut down on dietary fats —
which give the best control?
A vitamin B1
deficiency may make Diabetes a killer
How Diabetes Ignorance Increases Heart Risks
Diabetic Neuropathy
is Preventable with Low-Carb Diet
The diet that diabetics are told NOT to eat, is the
healthiest for them!
7 May 2009
another trial that shows a low-carb diet is better for
I have been teaching that lowering dietary carbs and
increasing fats can cure type-2 diabetes easily and
quickly. Here is another study which confirms this
Last updated 7 May 2009