Food scares and miscellaneous items Index
These days there seems to be one scare after another. If it isn't BSE in cattle causing CJD in humans, it's pesticides in vegetables causing cancer. Here are some that have hit the headlines with what the evidence really says about them, as many are merely scare-mongering, while others might be worth taking seriously.
I have tried to be objective about them but you can make up your own mind.
Does Cigarette Smoking Really Cause Heart Disease?
Are Diesels More Dangerous than Cigarettes as a Cause of Lung Cancer?
Doctors are the leading cause of death in the USA (500kb pdf file)
Is having a flu jab really worthwhile?
Magnesium Chloride for acute and chronic diseases.
Magnesium chloride has a documented history of efficacy for a wide range of conditions from cancer to chilblains — and with no adverse side effects.
So You Can Die of a Broken Heart
CJD, BSE, and Foot & Mouth disease:
Who or what is really to blame?
Food Additives — Look Before You Eat
You walk into a supermarket. On the delicatessen counter there are some
sausages whose label reads: 'not less than 100% meat'; in other words, there is
nothing in them other than meat. But it also reads: 'contains herbs,
preservative and colour' so, quite obviously, it must be less than 100% meat .
It's fraud — and it's legal.
The Healthfood Scam
Many people believe that if a food is 'natural', it is safe and better for them. But the health food industry is in a far from healthy state, at least as far as the customer is concerned. For it has its deadly side.
The Bottle Boom
In the western world, tap water is about as safe as it can be and it is relatively cheap. Yet many people are prepared to pay up to 1,500 times as much when the same stuff comes in a bottle. In this paper we will consider this phenomenon.
The implications of cooking foods and methods used
Alternative medicine Your money and your life?
Study: Homoeopathy Study finds that Homeopathy Is No Better Than A Placebo.
Study: Caution: Some soft drinks may seriously harm your health
Study: Weight-Reducing Herbal Medicines Damage the Thyroid Gland