Manganese absorption in humans: the effect of phytic acid and
ascorbic acid in soy formula
Manganese absorption in humans: the effect of phytic acid and
ascorbic acid in soy formula.
Davidsson L, Almgren A, Juillerat MA, Hurrell RF
Am J Clin Nutr 1995 Nov 62:5 984-7
The absorption of manganese from soy formula was studied in adult
volunteers by extrinsic labeling of test meals with 54Mn, followed by
whole-body retention measurements for approximately 30 d after intake.
Eight subjects participated twice in each of the two studies, acting
as his or her own control.
Soy formula containing the native content of phytic acid was
compared with a similar dephytinized formula: geometric mean manganese
absorption increased 2.3-fold from 0.7% (range: 0.2-1.1%) to 1.6%
(range: 1.0-7.2%) (P < 0.01) with the dephytinized formula. In
addition, the effect of the ascorbic acid content of the phytic
acid-containing formula was investigated.
Manganese absorption was not influenced by an increase in the
ascorbic acid from 625 mumol/L (110 mg/L) to 1250 mumol/L (220 mg/L):
the geometric mean manganese absorption was 0.6% (range: 0.3-1.0%) and
0.6% (range: 0.3-1.1%), respectively.
In conclusion, fractional manganese absorption was approximately
doubled by the dephytinization of soy formula but was not influenced by
an increase in the ascorbic acid content of a soy formula containing
the native amount of phytic acid.