Nutritional News — 2008
11 March 2008
Don't eat more omega-3s, eat less omega-6 This study of asthma and fatty acids finds that eating more omega-3 doesn't work; it's better to eat less omega-6.
7 March 2008
Another study finds that an unlimited-calorie, low-carb diet is better for obese children Obesity has really taken off among children. Here is yet another study which demonstrates that current dietary guidelines are hopelessly wrong.
5 March 2008
Who says eggs are bad for you? Here are two case studies of egg eating and longevity. They illustrate the myth surrounding eggs and cholesterol.
4 March 2008
Avoid fructose to avoid diabetes
Eat 5 portions of fruit and veg? Not if you want to avoid diabetes
Does Folic acid increase colon cancer risk Folic acid is added to bread to prevent neural tube defects in babies. But is it increasing cancer risk in older people?
Teenagers gain weight if they miss breakfast New study confirms earlier findings. Missing breakfast is not a good idea.
3 March 2008
AVASTIN approved for breast cancer: A tragedy Last month, the FDA approved Avastin for use in breast cancer. It's not as good news as might at first appear.