New book in Dutch

Eet vet word slank

Eet vet word slank gepubliceerd januari 2013

In dit boek lees je o.a.: * heel veel informatie ter bevordering van je gezondheid; * hoe je door de juiste vetten te eten en te drinken kan afvallen; * hoe de overheid en de voedingsindustrie ons, uit financieel belang, verkeerd voorlichten; * dat je van bewerkte vetten ziek kan worden.

Trick and Treat:
How 'healthy eating' is making us ill
Trick and Treat cover

"A great book that shatters so many of the nutritional fantasies and fads of the last twenty years. Read it and prolong your life."
Clarissa Dickson Wright

Natural Health & Weight Loss cover

"NH&WL may be the best non-technical book on diet ever written"
Joel Kauffman, PhD, Professor Emeritus, University of the Sciences, Philadelphia, PA

Begin at the Beginning: The Best Diet for Healthy Children

Part 4: Growing up

Childhood is a critical stage in any person's development. The way that children relate to their peer group is very important to them. Most important, particularly among girls and young women, is the way in which they perceive their own bodies. It is a sad reflection on our times that as many as two-thirds of young women between the ages of twelve and twenty-three believe that they should lose weight even when most of them are actually already underweight.
    Children generally follow the examples set by their parents. If mother is preoccupied with dieting, she will set an example that can profoundly affect the whole of her child's life. The pre-school years are the most effective period in which to establish healthy eating patterns. Habits formed at this time are likely to persist. It is important, therefore, to instil the right attitudes at this time.
    The mother who stays at home, bringing up her children, can teach them food preparation techniques and shopping. On the other hand when mother lets her children fend for themselves or delegates her responsibilities to a child-minder, they are more likely to be fed with convenience foods that are invariably high in the very carbohydrates that should be avoided.
     I grew up during the Second World War. It was a time when food was rationed and there was little enough to go around. Consequently, I was taught to clean my plate - I couldn't have the pudding unless I ate all my greens, and so on. At the time it was a practical thing to do. There were shortages of many foods; the nutrient-dense foods were particularly difficult to come by and, without refrigeration, many would not keep. We had to be 'good' and eat everything put before us. But today you should think twice before insisting on this. Children should be allowed to be aware of and follow the dictates of their bodies' natural signals. That way, not only will they enjoy eating, they will learn to control food rather than have food control them. If they leave food, do not make so much next time.
     So don't force food on your child. There is no need to worry about an apparent lack of appetite unless she is not growing as she should, both physically and mentally.
    Do not reward good behaviour with food, particularly sweets. This encourages bad eating habits. It is much better to use praise. Similarly, do not use food as a comforter.
    It also sends the wrong message to praise a child for 'eating it all up'. After all, she is only satisfying her hunger - a perfectly natural event. The danger here is that, if occasionally she is not so hungry and the praise stops, she will feel she has to eat more than she wants to earn the praise. This could lead to her overeating and, thus, to obesity.

The early school years

Once your child starts school you lose control for a large part of the day. Other children will have sweets, she will be influenced by advertisements on television, the sweet counters at supermarket checkouts. It is at this time that your earlier efforts will pay off.
    A friend of mine brought up three daughters. She stayed at home with them in their pre-school years. They had no sugar in their diets at all. The girls' grandmother was appalled. I remember she told us that her daughter-in-law "even makes custard without sugar". The girls didn't mind for they knew nothing else. When they started school, and came into contact with other children eating sweets, they knew that their mother did not want them to eat sweets and, being well-brought up little girls they observed their mother's wishes. Friends and relatives were discouraged from giving them sweets. However, if someone did give them sweets as a present, they were allowed to have a small piece. The rest was saved for another day, when again they had just a small piece. If it would not keep, it was quietly disposed of.
    Before your child starts nursery school, if she is to eat there, look at the menu. Let the organiser know that you do not want your child to eat sweets, sugar or squashes. The National Children's Bureau recommends that nurseries should not disrupt a child's established eating patterns so you should have no difficulty. If you wish to supply your own foods, the nursery should accommodate you.

Birthdays at school

Birthdays are special for children. At home you can control what food is served (see below). In the playschool environment, however, where there may be a birthday several times a week, there is little you can do other than suggest that only fruit is served: satsumas, apples, seedless grapes, pineapple cubes, pink melon, strawberries, raspberries, peaches can be served on their own or with cream. Both at home and at nursery school, why not have a pretend cake? This can be built around a tin or a box and have candles to blow out. It doesn't have to be edible.
    When leaving your child in the care of a childminder, make sure they understand what you want or do not want your child to eat. Better still, provide the food yourself.

Other tips

Beware of additives that can cause a variety of adverse reactions. And avoid also foods with 'added vitamins'. This is a sign that the food is highly processed and nutritionally inadequate.
    Shopping can be a very useful form of education for your child. However, there are occasions when care needs to be exercised, for the hunting and purchasing of foodstuffs today is fraught with danger for the unwary.
    Supermarkets know that children watch television and are influenced by what they see and hear. They know that children have a big influence on what their parents buy - the way children force parents to buy unsuitable food. They even have a name for it - 'pester power'. This is why sweets are put at the checkouts, where parents and children are waiting. And there are other tricks. The most expensive and most sugary breakfast cereals are stacked at children's eye level, on the lower shelves. Some supermarkets have even been known to give children their own small trolleys in the hope that the children will fill them with whatever takes their fancy. All the worst foods are packaged to appeal to children: packaged in attractive bright colours, or with free gifts and so on.
    So when shopping for breakfast cereals, for example, do not let your child choose. Most children will choose the one advertised on TV - designed to appeal to them. This is what manufacturers count on. But the most advertised cereals are usually the worst. Not only are they invariably laced heavily with sugar, they are invariably more expensive (all that advertising has to be paid for).
    Do not forget that the responsibility for choosing food is a serious matter and that responsibility is yours. It should not be delegated to an impressionable child.

Part 1: Prepare for pregnancy | Part 2: Pregnancy and breast feeding | Part 3: Weaning to teething | Part 4: Growing up | Part 5: Tips

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