The Perfect Weight Plan: Be Slim Without Dieting Video and DVD

The Perfect Weight Plan: Be Slim Without Dieting
is a completely new kind of video and DVD.
Imagine achieving your perfect weight and keeping it for life! You are probably already thinking about the sacrifices you'd have to make, the restrictive food ingredients and the constant hunger. Think again!

Dr Barry Groves is a founder member of Esteem, The Perfect Weight Initiative. He has researched the subject of nutrition, written books and papers and also lectures on obesity and diabetes to health professionals. For more than 40 years he has advocated a low carbohydrate, high fat eating plan for weight loss based on the scientific principles of how our bodies use the foods we eat and how we put on weight.

This is both a motivational and an instructive video and DVD which is available in all formats. Also included is a free booklet for easy reference.
Running Time: Approximately 60 minutes
For more details and to order the video or DVD, please visit our website at:
Last updated 23 February 2004
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