Is the claim about Methane valid?
Part 3: Methane Chaos?According to Dr Joel Kauffman, Emeritus Professor of Chemistry at The University of the Sciences in Philadelphia: ‘From the top down, the factor by which methane is a ‘greater danger’ than carbon dioxide varies widely depending on whom you talk to. ‘The U.S. Geological Survey Energy Resource Surveys Program posted that: “According to recent estimates, atmospheric methane accounts for about 15 percent of the “radiative forcing” added to the atmosphere. Methane as a molecule contributes about 70 times more radiative forcing, by weight, than does carbon dioxide, but its short residence time of 8 to 12 years in the atmosphere, (about 5 percent that of carbon dioxide), means that reductions in methane emissions will have significant short-term benefits.” [6] ‘David Blume, author of Alcohol Can Be a Gas actually cites on p62 the utterly discredited IPCC of the UN for the outlandish claims that methane is 62 times as potent as carbon dioxide as a “greenhouse gas”. [7] ‘And posted that: “Methane is a far more effective global warmer than carbon dioxide and last year saw another 27 million tonnes of it in the atmosphere after a decade of no change…”[8] ‘David Chandler, MIT News Office wrote: “Given that, pound for pound, methane is 25 times more powerful as a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, the situation will require careful monitoring in the near future.”[9] ‘In an unsigned posting, wrote that: “Over 200 years, methane concentrations in the atmosphere have more than doubled, largely because of human activity. Methane is 23 times better at trapping heat in the atmosphere than is carbon dioxide, so reducing methane emissions is a good short-term way to address global warming.”[10] ‘In an unsigned and undated posting, the EPA wrote that: “Methane is about 21 times more powerful at warming the atmosphere than carbon dioxide (CO2) by weight. ‘Richard Black, Environment correspondent, BBC News website, wrote that: “The gas is about 20 times more potent than carbon dioxide in terms of its warming effect.”[11] ‘Dr William Dillon, US Geological Survey, wrote: “Methane, a ‘greenhouse’ gas, is 10 times more effective than carbon dioxide in causing climate warming.”[12] ‘NASA wrote: “Methane is second only to carbon dioxide in contributing to global warming. It is a naturally occurring gas, a product of a variety of biological processes.”[13] ‘Chris Colose, on 10 Nov 08, wrote: “As you can see, CO2 is actually much more efficient than methane at cutting off the outgoing longwave radiation [from the Earth]. That is, intrinsically speaking, methane is not as good a greenhouse gas as carbon dioxide.”[14] ‘Monte Hieb, on January 10, 2003, wrote: “Water vapor constitutes Earth’s most significant greenhouse gas, accounting for about 95% of Earth’s greenhouse effect (4). Interestingly, many ‘facts and figures’ regarding global warming completely ignore the powerful effects of water vapor in the greenhouse system, carelessly (perhaps, deliberately) overstating human impacts as much as 20-fold.”[15] ‘Have you ever seen a better reduction to an absurdity? Among these 11 posts, which is correct? None overall. The 'warmers' can't even get this right Part 1: Introduction | Part 2:The IPCC’s Argument | Part 3: Methane chaos | Part 4: Science and references |
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