Fluoride: Drinking Ourselves To Death
published by Gill & Macmillan, Publishers, Dublin,
Recently, dentists have been getting awkward questions from their patients, and not known how to answer them. To rectify this, the British Fluoridation Society gave dentists suggested answers to thirty-two likely questions.
Fluoride: Drinking Ourselves to Death? takes each of these questions in turn and shows the sham behind the BFS's suggested answers. In so doing it covers the history of fluoridation, the ways in which we were conned into believing this poison is 'good for our teeth', the toxicity of the actual chemicals used and their impact on our health.
It also discusses the recent British government's York Review, the legal implications of compulsory water fluoridation in the light of recent European legislation, and lists the places in Great Britain and the Republic of Ireland which are currently fluoridated.
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Dr Robert Carton, formerly US Environmental Protection Agency |
"Must be regarded as essential reading . . . informative and thought-provoking."
Dr Vyvyan Howard, MB. ChB. PhD. FRCPath.
Professor Albert Burgstahler, editor of the journal,
"Writing primarily for the general reader, he nevertheless has assembled an impressive array of referenced information of interest to anyone who engaged in research concerning important biomedical and environmental aspects of fluoride and fluoridation." Read the full review.
Dr Keith Marshall, in his review for the dental magazine Dental Practice
"This soft cover book, which reads well, becomes addictive after a few minutes into its text. . . . I commend this book to all active clinical practitioners as deserving a place in the practice library, and would go further and say it should be essential reading for all undergraduates." Read the full review
Dr Don Mac Auley, B.D.S Dental surgeon
"In my opinion, Barry Groves' book is compelling, accurate and timely. I found it easy reading yet emotive. I grimaced, I laughed, I gasped, but ultimately it stimulated me to strive further and harder to rid Ireland of this chemical mass-medication. . . I feel we all have a responsibility to expose the truth about fluoridation. . . . my congratulations to Barry Groves on an excellent read. This accomplished book will sit proudly on the shelf between Yiamouyiannis and Moolenburg."
Dr Juliet Bressan, Medicine Weekly , 3 October 2001
"Books like this are important, . . . in that they do encourage governments to develop a little shame when it comes to ignoring public opinion, health and pollution. And you've got to take your hat off to someone who spends years, tirelessly researching a public health issue, which the medical and dental professions refuse to be bothered with."
"Groves [touches] on the role of industry and central government, by supplying copious quotes from parliament both here and in the UK which reveal the complete and utter incompetence when it comes to understanding public health."
"The revelations about . . . health ministers' complete lack of understanding as to why our water is fluoridated, and what the known health risks are is a disturbing component to the book"
Dr. Andrew Rynne,
Irish Medical News
, 3 October 2001
"A new book has just come to hand on this whole question of fluoride and it is a cracker. Published by Newleaf and written by the author of Eat Fat, Get Thin! , Barry Groves, the book is titled Drinking Ourselves to Death .
"This book is simply a must for anyone interested in this most important of subjects. It is packed from cover to cover with quotable quotes and with referenced facts all cleverly laid out in digestible form.
"This book, I believe, will quickly become a standard reference . . ."
National Pure Water Association
"In the interests of public health, this 329-page book is an easy, eye-opening read for all politicians and health workers. It provides an extremely quick reference work for journalists trying to make sense of the 'debate'. It is, without doubt, a valuable tool for both seasoned and new campaigners."
"No laboratory test has ever shown that 1 part per million fluoride in drinking water reduces tooth decay." Chief Dental Officer, UK Department of Health & Social Services | "Dentists' dogma and their doctrine that water fluoridation is a safe and effective public health measure can no longer be defended in science." Professor Rudolf Ziegelbecker |
"The presence of low levels of fluoride in the drinking water, equal to the amount found in fluoridated water, caused damage to the tissue of the brain similar to Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia, as well as kidney damage." Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1997; 825: 152-166 | "Prior to my hearing this case, I gave the matter of fluoridation little, if any, thought but I received quite an education, and noted that the proponents of fluoridation do nothing more than try to impugn the objectivity of those who oppose fluoridation." Supreme Court Justice, J P Flaherty |
Foreword | ix | |
Introduction | 1 | |
1. | Water Fluoridation | 12 |
2. | Fluoride and Water Safety | 33 |
3. | Cancer and Fluoride | 37 |
4. | Safe Limit for Fluoride | 50 |
5. | Fluoride and the Brain | 62 |
6. | Research into Fluoride | 77 |
7. | Fluoridation and High Infant Mortality | 84 |
8. | Fluoride as a Cumulative Poison | 89 |
9. | Fluoride Kills | 94 |
10. | People at Risk from Fluoride | 98 |
11. | EPA Scientists and Fluoride | 104 |
12. | Support for Fluoridation Diminishes in America | 113 |
13. | The Totality of Fluoride | 115 |
14. | The Ethics and Legality of Fluoridation | 118 |
15. | Dental Fluorosis | 129 |
16. | The Dose Makes the Poison | 140 |
17. | Fluoride-Related Bone Problems, Part One | 144 |
18. | Fluoride-Related Bone Problems, Part Two | 148 |
19. | The Death of Science | 150 |
20. | The Poor and Fluoride Toxicity | 160 |
21. | Sugar and Truth Decay | 166 |
22. | Money Down the Drain | 171 |
23. | The History of Water Fluoridation, Part One | 177 |
24. | Arsenic and Old Lies | 193 |
25. | The History of Water Fluoridation, Part Two | 203 |
26. | Dentifrice - or Rodenticide? | 211 |
27. | Europe Against Fluoride | 216 |
28. | Skeletal Fluorosis | 229 |
29. | The Public and Fluoride | 242 |
30. | Legislating for Fluoride | 252 |
31. | Fluoride Not an Essential Nutrient | 256 |
32. | Fluoride and Controversy | 262 |
33. | The UK Review: The Final Word on Fluoride? | 266 |
34. | Are You at Risk? | 294 |
35. | Conclusion | 301 |
Appendix A | Scientific Opposition to Fluoride | 307 |
Index | 323 |
Although fluoride is normally associated with dentists, it really falls within
the purview of toxicologists.
Read Dr Vyvyan Howard's Foreword to Fluoride: Drinking Ourselves to Death?
is on sale in any bookshop, in Britain, the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand,
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Last updated 21 June 2002
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