Child abuse by vegan parents
These news items illustrate the sort of damage that extreme vegetarianism can do.
In this story from New Zealand, the baby of a vegan couple died because of
their beliefs. Prof Peter Skegg said that "
Religious fanatics could face harsher treatment from courts if Moorhead case
used as a precedent"
![]() Tue, 4th June 2002 Moorhead jury watches video A High Court jury in Auckland has watched a video as the manslaughter trial of Deborah and Roby Jan Moorhead continues. The Dargaville couple have denied causing the death of their six-month-old child Caleb by failing to provide the necessaries of life. In an interview with a detective, Jan Moorhead said he never knew his son was going to die until his final breath of life, because of his faith in the herbal remedies which he was treating him with. He said in hindsight there is a possibility he may have done the wrong thing, but he said the doctor at Starship Hospital could also be wrong. Wed, 5th June 2002 Final stages in Moorhead manslaughter trial The jury is expected to retire today to consider its verdict, in the Auckland trial of the parents charged with the manslaughter of their baby. Deborah and Roby Jan Moorhead deny the manslaughter of six-month-old Caleb, by failing to provide the necessaries of life. The Dargaville couple are defending themselves before a High Court jury, but have declined to give evidence in their own defence. The prosecution has completed its closing submissions. The judge will sum up the case this morning and the jury will then retire. The Seventh-day Adventist couple took Caleb out of the Starship children's hospital and went into hiding. The jury heard that the couple believed their son would be healed through the use of alternative remedies. He died in March last year from medical complications due to a lack of vitamin B12. Wed, 5th June 2002 Guilty verdict in Moorhead case The jury at the High Court in Auckland has this afternoon returned a guilty verdict, in the trial of Deborah and Jan Moorhead. The couple had been charged with the death of their six month old son Caleb, by failing to provide the necessaries of life. Thu, 6th June 2002 Moorheads went "beyond church teachings" The Seventh Day Adventist Church does not believe many of its followers have the same attitude towards the medical profession as Deborah and Jan Moorhead. The Dargaville couple have been found guilty of causing the death of their six-month-old son Caleb by failing to provide the necessaries of life. They will be sentenced on June 13. Seventh Day Adventist spokesman Dr Percy Harold says the Moorheads went far beyond church teachings in refusing medical help. He says most Seventh Day Adventist members would not take the same line. He says people in many countries take genuine beliefs to the point where they end up causing harm. Doctors found that Caleb was severely anaemic and was suffering from developmental problems due to a lack of vitamin B12. Deborah Moorhead's breast milk, Caleb's only nutrition, lacked the vitamin. The Moorheads are vegans. They took Caleb out of Auckland's Starship children's hospital, preferring to treat him with alternative herbal remedies. He died in late March, last year. Thu, 6th June 2002 Legal experts consider Moorhead case Religious fanatics could be in for harsher treatment from the courts if the Moorhead case is used as a precedent according to an academic. Seventh Day Adventists Deborah and Jan Moorhead have been found guilty of manslaughter by denying their six-month-old son Caleb conventional medical treatment. He later died when his parents removed him from Starship Hospital, preferring to treat him with herbal remedies. Otago University medical law professor Peter Skegg says there have been other cases where parents have preferred alternative medicine which have not resulted in prosecutions. He says it appears parents from religious or ethnic minorities are more likely to be prosecuted than middle-of-the-road families. Other cases include the case of three-year-old Liam Williams-Holloway, whose parents took him into hiding after refusing chemotherapy treatment for his cancer. He died after seeking alternative treatment at a clinic in Mexico. The Williams-Holloways were not charged. A South Auckland boy also died after his parents refused treatment when a large cancerous tumour formed on his leg. His parents were found not guilty of manslaughter. However, they received a suspended prison sentence after being found guilty of not providing the necessaries of life. Meanwhile, the Nutrition Foundation says there's nothing wrong with vegan mothers breast feeding. There has been concern about the practice following the death of Caleb Moorhead from a vitamin B12 deficiency. Nutrition Foundation Scientific Committee chairman Dr Cliff Tasman-Jones says B12 injections are readily available and will fix any imbalance. He says all that is required to keep their baby healthy is an injection once every six weeks. Thu, 13th June 2002 Moorheads get five years The Northland couple found guilty of the manslaughter of their baby son have been jailed for five years each. Deborah and Jan Moorhead were convicted of causing the death of eight-month-old Caleb by failing to provide the necessaries of life. . 13 June 2002 Moorheads' family surprised at pregnancy Surprise for family of Deborah Moorhead at announcement she is 23 weeks pregnant News that Deborah Moorhead is pregnant again has come as a shock to some of her family. The Dargaville mother has been sentenced to five years jail for the manslaughter of her six-month-old baby. Her husband, Jan Moorhead was given five years as well. The devout Seventh Day Adventists from Northland took their six month son away from Starship Hospital in Auckland where he was being treated. He died in March from complications associated with a vitamin B12 deficiency. Caleb was suffering brain damage and anaemia. The Moorheads follow a strict vegan diet which excludes all animal products and fish and believed their son could be cured through the use of alternative remedies. Caleb's sisters' stepmother, who wants to be known only as Lisa, says she only found out this morning that Deborah Moorhead is 23 weeks pregnant. She says Deborah's other two young daughters are going through tough times, but believe their mother has done the right thing. Thu, 13th June 2002 Cop vows to protect unborn child The detective in charge of the Moorhead case is vowing to ensure the couple's next child receives all the necessary health care. Deborah and Jan Moorhead have been sentenced in the High Court at Auckland today to five years imprisonment for the manslaughter of their six-month-old son Caleb. It has been revealed Deborah Moorhead became pregnant after she was committed to trial for manslaughter. The court today heard that she is 23 weeks pregnant. Detective Sergeant Chris Scahill say police will be advising CYFS that the baby shouldn't be allowed to stay with its mother. He says it's a tragic case as the Moorheads obviously chose their faith over their son's life. He hopes the heavy jail sentence will act as a deterrent to others. While sentencing the couple, Justice Harrison said the most serious factor of the case is the Moorhead's uncompromising dogmatic belief that Caleb's illness was a test from God. He noted Deborah Moorhead's pregnancy but said that was not enough to prevent a prison sentence. He told the couple that society had difficulty understanding their beliefs but said they are not being punished for their faith. The devout Seventh Day Adventists from Northland took their six month son away from Starship Hospital in Auckland where he was being treated. He died in March from complications associated with a vitamin B12 deficiency. Caleb was suffering brain damage and anaemia. The Moorheads follow a strict vegan diet which excludes all animal products and fish and believed their son could be cured through the use of alternative remedies. Fri, 14th June 2002 Better info wanted for vegans There are calls for better nutritional information for vegans, in the wake of the Moorhead manslaughter trial. Jan and Deborah Moorhead have started five-year prison sentences for the manslaughter of their infant son. Six-month-old Caleb Moorhead died from a vitamin B12 deficiency, caused by his mother's strict vegan diet which was free of meat, dairy products and fish. He was being breastfed. His parents refused to seek medical help for the problem. Vegan Society Coordinator Sandra Murray says veganism is growing and people need to know the facts. She would like to see a pamphlet produced about veganism, particularly aimed at pregnant women and mothers. Ms Murray also wants health professionals to change their attitude towards people who choose a diet free of animal products. She claims doctors are often unhelpful when vegans seek advice. She says they tend to disapprove of veganism, making patients less likely to seek help in the future.
Young Vegans May Not be Getting Vital Nutrients
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2002;76:100-106Young vegans may be missing out on certain essential nutrients, according to a new study by Swedish scientists.
Because vegans shun all animal products, they may get too little of some nutrients found in meat and dairy products, such as calcium and vitamin B-12. Such deficiencies are of particular concern when it comes to growing teens.
In their report, Christel L. Larsson and Gunnar K. Johansson of Umea University interviewed 30 vegans between the ages of 16 and 20 about their daily food intake. They also analyzed blood and urine samples for the presence of essential nutrients. The results were compared to a similar group of omnivore--or meat- and plant-eating--adolescents.
"The dietary habits of the vegans varied considerably and did not comply with the average requirements for some essential nutrients," Larsson and Johansson write in the July issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
Specifically, the researchers report that "vegans had dietary intakes lower than the average requirements of riboflavin (a B vitamin), vitamin B-12, vitamin D, calcium and selenium."
Vegans had higher intakes of vegetables, legumes and dietary supplements, but even after the researchers included dietary supplements in their analysis, the vegans' intake of calcium and selenium remained low.
Among the men, vegans tended to weigh less and have a lower body mass index--a ratio of weight in relation to height. There was no such difference between female vegans and omnivores, however.
"It is important for adolescents in general and vegetarians in particular to receive knowledge, both theoretical and practical, about how to combine and prepare a healthy diet," the authors conclude
Last updated 9 June 2002
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